From Intent to Impact:

A 13-Week Course to Foster Genuine Relation in Academia Through Mentorship

Spring 2023 Registration is Now Closed

Check back in the Summer for updates.

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Channel your hopelessness into positive change.

Hi, I’m Doctora Nicole. I’m the baby in this photo - taken circa 1989 - who grew up to be an astrophysicist.

I know what it’s like to watch the world burn and feeling powerless to stop it. Where the oppressive forces feel so overwhelming that there’s no point in trying to change things. Where you grow more cynical with the structure of academia everyday.

You’re not alone. That hopelessness is part of the equation. We’re supposed to get so burnt out that we stop resisting. And while the system itself may be a giant ship that is slow to turn, we do still have power.

The power to transform ourselves. To be safe for our communities. To create nourishing counterspaces within academia. To be in right relation with our colleagues and the people we mentor.

If you are an academic who wants to be a better mentor, researcher, and community member, we can help you.

Are you ready to join us?

Course Philosophy

At Movement, we believe in transforming organizational cultures into radically nourishing spaces.

Our Intent to Impact (I2I) Course is the most intentional and actionable form of this culture change work. Our immersive learning environment prepares academics in positions of privilege and power to mentor people of marginalized identities through emotional, relational, and collective work. 

Transformative work cannot occur without transformative values, so as we move through the course together we will co-create a culture that centers:

  • Curiosity and vulnerability over shame and judgment

  • Care and collaboration over competition 

  • Right relation over individualism 

We’re looking forward to being your peer-coaches as we contextualize our awareness of systemic oppression, unpack their behaviors on an individual level, and re-imagine the ways we engage with one another.

  • Prof. Spencer Chang

    The I2I course has been an eye opening experience for me. I've learned so much about mentoring, the underlying issues, and how to react and resolve conflicts. The support staff are extremely dedicated, knowledgeable, and motivated to educate faculty how they can take action about inequity in academia. Highly recommended!

Item 1 of 3

Course Overview

Our 13-week course follows a pattern of one week “ON” and one week “OFF.”

ON Weeks - participants will:

  • Meet for the live session (120 mins)

  • Connect with their accountability partner (30 mins)

OFF Weeks - participants will:

  • Complete homework (120 mins)

  • Attend optional office hours (60 mins)

The anticipated time commitment for the course is 3 hours per week, including the 2-hour live session every other Friday.

I am asking that white folks become more self-critical before they apologize. The revolution is self-reflexive.

Ciarra Jones

Course Details


  • Session 0: Intro to I2I

  • Session 1: Journey into the Self

  • Session 2: Being in Right Relation

  • Session 3: Critical Introspection

  • Session 4: Academia as an Abusive System

  • Session 5: Enacting Solidarity

  • Session 6: Reimagining Mentorship


  • 1 orientation session

  • 6 biweekly virtual classes

  • Biweekly homework assignments

  • A virtual community space

  • An accountability partner

  • Biweekly office hours with our facilitators


  • A practice of radical vulnerability, transparency, and reciprocity


  • Early Registration: $899

  • Regular Registration: $1099

  • Late Registration: $1199

If your house ain't in order, you ain't in order. It is so much easier to be out there than right here. The revolution ain't out there. Yet. But it is here.

Tony Cade Bambara